Tayyab Journal / ENG

My first Ramadan. Episode 6

In the series "My First Ramadan, Muslim converts talk about their experiences. We hope that these stories will inspire those who are not yet fasting to join the billions of Muslims already this Ramadan!
I converted to Islam when I was 17. I got married a month before Ramadan and wondered for a long time how it would go, would it be difficult? Will I be able to cope? Would I be able to work?

My expectations of Ramadan were mixed: some friends said it would be a purifying, spiritual month; others said it would be difficult, that I would not be able to fast every day. But I kept telling myself that I would make it and trusting in Allah's help.

I must confess, as I am a disorganised person, my first Ramadan went the same way. The first day was the most difficult, I experienced severe dryness in my throat, but the situation made me think of the benefits of Allah, as I would drink water by evening and someone else would not even be able to do that.

To avoid making the mistake twice, from the next day I drank water in portions from the beginning of iftar. Sometimes I had difficulty getting up for suhoor, so my family woke me up. Lifehack for converts: If you have trouble getting up for suhoor, put the alarm clock in another room, or ask a brother or sister to call you.

But that is not the only difficulty I faced during Ramadan. Since I had just converted to Islam, it was difficult for me to combine religion and work. There were also problems with my relatives and their culture. It took strength, both physical and mental, to deal with the problems. But I said to myself: "Allah comes first", from that moment it was much easier for me.

There have been some funny incidents. Once we went for a walk in the park with Grandpa. My husband was walking beside Grandpa - on the way he slipped and they accidentally fell into the river. I was surprised that Grandpa just got up and walked on as if nothing had happened, he was so active, so strong; he inspired me to do more in Ramadan.

Ramadan means a lot to me, it's an unexplainable feeling. As soon as it is over, I look forward to the next one. And it's not about eating or drinking, it's about being able to have a relationship with Allah.

I am grateful to Allah Almighty for this month because it provides a huge number of opportunities: double reward for good deeds, a sense of security, time for worship, repentance, and supplication etc.

I have also set a goal for myself to spend the next Ramadan more organised: to start a diary with goals, such as learning 4 surahs; to do more supplication, more penance; to schedule Quranic readings; and to plan menus for iftar and suhoor. Maybe next year I will write an article about my second Ramadan in sha Allah.

I ask Allah to give us patience, strength and the opportunity to do the best in Ramadan! Ameen!

Based on a story by Diva Allott, British Muslim woman:

2023-04-11 18:18