Tayyab Journal / ENG

Seven lessons from the holy month of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is ending. Which means it's a good time to take stock of ourselves and see what goals have been achieved and what lessons have been learned.

Let us remember and recognise the impact Ramadan has had on us:

1. Ramadan is a month of discipline for the sake of Allah. A Muslim is aware that he must adhere to Allah's injunctions even in eating and drinking. After Ramadan, one should try to maintain this discipline in other areas of life. These restrictions should be simple and straightforward, repeated from day to day - the body gets used to them in just a few days

2. During this month, we pay close attention to our prayers: obligatory and supplementary. There is no religion without them - additional prayers help to strengthen and renew our connection with Allah and serve as an additional shield against sin.

3. Ramadan also strengthens our connection with the Quran. After all, the Quran was sent down during Ramadan, which is the most appropriate time and condition for the recitation of the Quran. The extra prayers help us to repeat surahs we are already familiar with and gradually introduce new ones into our recitation.

4. Fasting in Ramadan is not only a personal experience but also a collective one. Our worship, fasting and other types of worship bring Muslims together. Ramadan teaches that the Ummah is a community of piety and unity and devotion to Allah. These sentiments bind people tightly together and enable them to draw strength from each other.

5. Ramadan helps us understand the suffering of those in need. By experiencing thirst and hunger, we better understand the condition of a person who lacks even the basic necessities. That is why Ramadan is also called the month of charity and compassion. Muslims learn to be more generous during this time and it is desirable to maintain this habit in the future

6. Fasting teaches us how to face hardship and self-sacrifice. During Ramadan a Muslim learns to fight his nafs, to feel more acutely the problems of society. You cannot live in society without intersecting with it - you have to be prepared that sooner or later the problems of the world around you will touch you.

7. Ramadan increases piety (taqwa). It is part of Islamic life and the highest of all virtues. A Muslim is aware of his submission to Allah, his fear and reverence for the Almighty, so he renounces all that is wrong and strives only for the good. Taqwa is strengthened in the heart of the believer along with the strengthening of faith until the believer realises that Allah Almighty is aware of our every action and every word spoken.

2023-04-19 18:18