Tayyab Journal / ENG

How sadaqa helps me control my expenses

I can call myself a hard-working person: I have a decent job and it would seem that I should have no problems with finances. But the reality was different, I was struggling to make ends meet, experiencing frequent difficulties. My expenses exceeded my income, and I was experiencing financial difficulties, so to speak.

One day I decided to attend a charity event at the local mosque. Local imams were giving khutba and lectures and telling stories. Impressed by what I had heard about the impact of sadaqa on the lives of those in need, I felt obliged to do my part. Even though my financial situation was difficult, I decided to start giving a small part of my income regularly as sadaqa.

To my surprise, I began to notice a subtle change in my financial situation. At first I struggled to understand how sadaqa could ease my financial burden, but I decided to trust in the process nonetheless.

Over time, I have noticed that I have become more attentive to my spending. I began to cut down on unnecessary spending, to prioritise needs and wants, and to make wiser financial decisions. Sadaqa has changed the way I look at many things and has helped me develop a sense of gratitude for what I have.

It was surprising that regular donations triggered a chain reaction, a kind of "domino effect" in my life. I began to feel the manifestation of divine blessing in my everyday life and began to notice more and more opportunities that I was not expecting: a promotion at work with an increase in salary, an offer of a part-time job that provided additional income.

As my financial situation improved, I continued to increase the amount of sadaqa. I found joy in helping others, and the act of giving became an integral part of my life. Not only did it change my financial situation, but it also brought a sense of satisfaction and contentment that I had not experienced before.

Over time, I realised that sadaqa had a profound impact on my overall financial well-being. I realised the importance of generosity, contentment and gratitude. By giving part of my income to those in need, I experienced firsthand the positive impact it had on my budget and my outlook.

My story shows the effect that regular sadaqa can have on a person's financial life. From the outside, it may seem strange why give alms in a difficult financial situation, but the surprising outcome has been an increase in income, and a change in my outlook on life.

2023-06-08 17:08