Become better
Tayyab helps you to become a better person providing motivating mind sets based on the Quran and Sunnah.
Get accurate prayer times
The app displays the exact time of prayer at your location right on the home page. You can easily set up an Adhan notification, to remind you of the time for prayer.
Halal Maps
Find nearby mosque, prayer room halal cafe using the Tayyab app.
Qibla Compass
Wherever you are, tayyab will show you the exact location of the Kaaba with an animated compass.
With the calendar, you will know all the Islamic holidays.
You can easy calculate the amount of zakat individually for you or your loved ones using in-app zakat calculator feature.
Read the Quran in the application, store and share with your friends the verses you like
*The service is provided by "Bank RBK" JSC, license No. 1.2.100/245/41 dated 04/05/2021, issued by the ARDFM
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© Tayyab Central Asia Ltd. | All rights reserved 2022.
Technical support:
"Tayyab Central Asia Ltd. is not authorised by AFSA to offer any Islamic financial services, all financial services are currently provided exclusively by its partner JSC "Bank RBK". We would like to draw your attention to the fact that a subsidiary of Private Company "Tayyab Finance Ltd." has initiated the process of obtaining a licence providing islamic financing".